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Logo Lama Resimen Pelopor Ranger - Free Vector CDR

Lambang Resimen Pelopor Ranger ( Logo Lama)

Request Logo By Novi Alim Murdani
Juli 1960. Kontingen kedua perwira polisi Indonesia kembali dididik menjadi Ranger di Amerika Serikat (AS). Pasukan Ranger dari Brigade Mobil (Brimob) ini dibentuk untuk mengatasi pemberontakan bersenjata di dalam negeri. 
Meskipun instruktur pelatihan Ranger ini sebagian besar dari Korps Marinir AS di Okinawa, pola latihan mereka merupakan gabungan dari Ranger Angkatan Darat AS dan pasukan Recon USMC (United States Marine Corps). 
"Ini berkah permintaan maaf Amerika kepada Indonesia pada 1959, setelah diketahui turut membantu dalam pemberontakan PRRI/Permesta," kata Presiden Sukarno dalam buku Resimen PeloporPasukan Elite yang Terlupakan pada 2013.

Dalam buku yang ditulis bersama oleh Anton Agus Setyawan dan Andi Muh Darlis itu, disebutkan bawah Sukarno tidak mengirimkan perwira Angkatan Darat atau Korps Komando Operasi (KKO) Angkatan Laut untuk mengikuti pelatihan sebagai prajurit Ranger, tetapi dari Kepolisian. Untuk menghindari pertanyaan dari TNI, Sukarno beralasan bahwa yang dikirim, walaupun polisi, bekas tentara pelajar (TP).  
Sebelumnya, pada Januari 1959, Pemerintah AS memberikan bantuan pelatihan militer dan senjata kepada Brimob Polri. Ada delapan perwira polisi yang dididik di Okinawa, pangkalan Marinir AS, sebagai kontingen pertama. Selanjutnya pada September 1959, kompi pertama Brimob Ranger telah dibentuk. 
Selain mendapatkan pelatihan, pada pertengahan 1960, Ranger Brimob yang kemudian berganti nama Resimen Pelopor itu, mendapatkan bantuan senjata senapan serbu AR 15. Senjata ini  merupakan versi awal atau versi nonmiliter dari M 16 A1. 
Pasukan Menpor adalah salah satu pengguna pertama senjata ini, bahkan pada saat itu pasukan reguler batalion infanteri AS yang ditugaskan di Vietnam sebagai observer masih menggunakan senjata M 1 Garrand.
Pada 1950-an, Brimob merupakan tulang punggung utama Polri bersama dengan kesatuan Perintis sebagai kesatuan pelapisnya. Pada masa itu, pendidikan Brimob di berbagai Sekolah Polisi Negara (SPN) mempunyai materi dasar-dasar kemiliteran dan infanteri.
Pendidikan dasar berupa teknik bertempur level peleton, menembak ahli dan gerakan tempur, mulai regu sampai dengan batalion diajarkan. Pendidikan menjadi tamtama Brimob memerlukan waktu 13 bulan. Padahal, pendidikan tamtama Angkatan Darat waktu itu hanya empat bulan. 
Akibatnya, jumlah kompi Brimob yang ada pada waktu itu juga tidak cukup untuk mengatasi konflik bersenjata di daerah. Hal ini yang kemudian memunculkan ide membentuk pasukan khusus untuk keamanan dalam negeri dengan kualifikasi lebih tinggi dari Brimob.
Dimulai pada 1950-an, ada beberapa perwira Polri dari Brimob yang mendapatkan kursus infanteri lanjutan di Fort Lavenworth dan Fort Bragg di Amerika Serikat. Di antara mereka adalah Inspektur Polisi Anton Soedjarwo, seperti yang tertulis dalam buku biografi Jenderal Polisi Anton Soedjarwo. 

Ya, tidak bisa dihindari. Sejak awal pembentukan Korps Kepolisian Republik Indonesia memang lebih dekat perannya sebagai combatant daripada sebagai polisi sipil. Kondisi masa perjuangan kemerdekaan waktu itu menyebabkan polisi harus terlibat langsung dalam perjuangan bersenjata. 
Keterlibatan polisi sebagai combatant dipelopori oleh satu kompi Polisi Istimewa pimpinan Inspektur Polisi M Jassin dalam pertempuran Surabaya 10 November 1945. Pada masa itu, Polisi Istimewa merupakan sebuah korps kepolisian bentukan Jepang dengan persenjataan lengkap. 

Namun, karena kekosongan pemerintahan pascapenyerahan Jepang pada Sekutu 1945, peran Polisi Istimewa lebih berperan sebagai pasukan pertahanan. Selanjutnya pada 14 November 1946, PM Syahrir meresmikan Korps Polisi Istimewa menjadi Korps Mobile Brigade, sebagai bagian dari Polri dengan fungsi sebagai combatant karena kebutuhan pertahanan waktu itu. 

Pada peristiwa pemberontakan di daerah-daerah pada dekade 50-an, kompi-kompi Brimob banyak dikerahkan untuk meredamnya. Namun, lawan yang mereka hadapi adalah para mantan pejuang dengan kemampuan tinggi dalam melakukan perang gerilya. Sedangkan, kompi Brimob yang dikerahkan adalah para prajurit junior yang belum mengalami pertempuran gerilya. 

Pada waktu itu, senjata perseorangan yang dipergunakan pasukan Brimob cukup memadai untuk menjadi pasukan infanteri karena mereka menggunakan senapan Lee Enfield. Senjata laras panjang buatan Inggris yang biasa dipergunakan pasukan infanteri. Senapan dengan sistem bolt action ini menjadi andalan Brimob untuk mengadang musuh.
Pasukan pemberontak sebagian besar juga menggunakan senjata yang sama. Namun, Brimob belum dibekali pengetahuan perang antigerilya,sehingga mereka tidak mampu mengadang pemberontak. Pasukan pemberontak berani melakukan serbuan (raid) ke kota untuk melakukan pengacauan. 
Pada umumnya mereka menyerang markas polisi yang dijaga satuan-satuan Perintis. Satuan-satuan Perintis tersebut hanya mampu bertahan di dalam markas dengan tujuan utama mempertahankan markasnya. Mereka tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengejar musuh dan melakukan serangan balasan, atau bahkan menangkap mereka sesuai dengan tugas sebagai polisi pada masa itu. 
Hal ini yang mendorong para petinggi Polri dan pemerintah pada masa itu untuk membentuk unit pasukan khusus di dalam Polri yang memiliki kemampuan melakukan siasat perang antigerilya. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi pembentukan pasukan Ranger Brigade Mobil.

Air Canada Logo - Free Vector CDR

Air Canada Logo
Air Canada (TSX: AC) is the flag carrier and largest airline of Canada. The airline, founded in 1937, provides scheduled and charter air transport for passengers and cargo to 182 destinations worldwide. It is the world's tenth-largest passenger airline by fleet size, and is a founding member of the Star Alliance. Air Canada's corporate headquarters are located in Montreal, Quebec,  while its largest hub is Toronto Pearson International Airport, located in Mississauga, Ontario. Air Canada had passenger revenues of CA$13.27 billion in 2014. The airline's regional service is Air Canada Express. With Air Canada rouge's new service from Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport to Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca, Morocco, Air Canada joins Air China,British Airways, Delta Air Lines, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Korean Air, Qantas, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines,South African Airways and United Airlines as one of the few airlines in the world to fly to all six inhabited continents.
Canada's national airline originated from the Canadian federal government's 1936 creation of Trans-Canada Airlines(TCA), which began operating their first transcontinental flight routes in 1938. In 1965, TCA was renamed Air Canada following government approval. After the deregulation of the Canadian airline market in the 1980s, the airline was privatized in 1988. On 4 January 2000, Air Canada acquired their largest rival, Canadian Airlines. In 2003, the airline filed for bankruptcy protection and in the following year emerged and reorganized under the holding company ACE Aviation Holdings Inc. In 2006, 34 million people flew with Air Canada as the airline celebrated their 70th anniversary. Air Canada is recognized as the Skytrax Best International Airline in North America, and was ranked as a 4 Star Airline by Skytrax in 2013. It is also one of Canada's best managed companies.

Air Canada has a fleet of Airbus A330, Boeing 767, Boeing 777, and Boeing 787 wide-body jetliners on long-haulroutes and uses the Airbus A320 family aircraft, including the A319, A320, and A321 variations, and Embraer E190family aircraft on short-haul routes. The carrier's operating divisions include Air Canada Cargo, Air Canada Expressand Air Canada rouge. Their subsidiary, Air Canada Vacations, provides vacation packages to over 90 destinations. Together with their regional partners, the airline operates on average more than 1,530 scheduled flights daily. Furthermore, according to JACDEC, Air Canada has the 4th best safety record of any airline, behind Cathay Pacific,Emirates, & EVA Air respectively.
Source : Wikipedia, vectorise.net

Canada Post Corporation Logo - Free Vector CDR

Canada Post Corporation Logo
Canada Post Corporation, known more simply as Canada Post (French: Société canadienne des postes, or simply Postes Canada), is the crown corporation which functions as the country's primary postal operator. Originally known as Royal Mail Canada(the operating name of the Post Office Department of the Canadian government founded in 1867), rebranding was done to the “Canada Post” name in the late 1960s, even though it had not yet been separated from the government. On October 16, 1981, the Canada Post Corporation Act came into effect. This abolished the Post Office Department and created the present day Crown corporation which provides postal service. The act aimed to set a new direction for the postal service by ensuring the postal service's financial security and independence.
Canada Post operates as a group of companies called The Canada Post Group. It employs 65,000 full and part-time employees to deliver a full range of delivery, logistics and fulfillment services to customers. The Corporation holds an interest in Purolator Courier,Innovapost, Progistix-Solutions and Canada Post International Limited. In 2000, Canada Post created a company called Epost, allowed customers to receive their bill online for free (in 2007, Epost was absorbed into Canada Post).Canada Post provided service to 15.7 million addresses and delivered more than 9 billion items in 2014 and consolidated revenue from operations reached $7.98 billion.  Delivery takes place via traditional "to the door" service by 25,000 letter carriers, through a 12,000 vehicle fleet. There are 6,300 post offices across the country, a combination of corporate offices and private franchises that are operated by retailers, such as drugstores. In terms of area serviced, Canada Post delivers to a larger area than the postal service of any other nation, including Russia (where service in Siberia is limited largely to communities along the railway). As of 2004, nearly 843,000 rural Canadian customers received residential mail delivery services.

Canada Post (French: Postes Canada) is the Federal Identity Program name. The legal name is Canada Post Corporation in English andSociété canadienne des postes in French. During the late 1980s and much of the 1990s, the short forms used in the corporation's logo were "Mail" (English) and "Poste" (French), rendered as "Mail Poste" in English Canada, and "Poste Mail" in Quebec, although English-language advertising also still referred to the corporation as "Canada Post".
Source: Wikipedia

Bank Of Canada Logo - Free Vector CDR

Bank Of Canada Logo
The Bank of Canada opened its doors in March 1935, operating from rented premises in the Victoria Building on Ottawa's Wellington Street.

Conditions in the Victoria Building quickly grew cramped and inefficient, and in January 1936, Governor Graham F. Towers proposed the design and construction of new premises to Prime Minister Mackenzie King. King agreed and, by May, the Bank had purchased a building site further west on Wellington Street, at a price of $83,500 (about $1.4 million in 2014 dollars).

The Bank hired S.G. Davenport of Montréal to act as consulting architect and adviser for the project. Davenport, in turn, recommended that the Toronto firm of Marani, Lawson & Morris be hired as principal architects.
Victoria Building, 140 Wellington Street, first office of the Bank of Canada
This firm submitted its first set of designs in May 1936. These were rejected, however, because "they showed a building set in, somewhat in the manner of the Bank of England . . . It is extremely difficult to obtain unity in such a building. The inset part either looks like a chimney, or the whole thing looks like a flower pot in its saucer. The architects more or less agree with us, and are now trying something else."‒ Letter from Deputy Governor J.A.C. Osborne to H.C.B. Mynors, 4 July 1936.

In December 1936, the architects presented final elevation drawings to the committee. These showed a five-storey stone-clad building, neo-classical in style and featuring two large stone urns flanking the bronze centre doors. Seven tall windows were accentuated with bronze-and-marble spandrels. There was also a substantial underground area, designed to accommodate vaults and strong rooms, "all constructed in accordance with the most up-to-date methods." The plan provided sufficient space for a projected staff of 380 people.
bank Of Canada ( thestar.com)
Deputy Governor Osborne apparently had reservations about one aspect of the new design. He wrote to the Bank of England's B.G. Catterns on 6 February 1937: "You may be somewhat mystified by what appears to be two very large bombs placed each end of the terrace. The façade might, I suppose, look a little weak without these [urns] to balance and pin the building to the ground, but we are not frightfully enthusiastic about them, yet cannot think of anything better...."

Ground was broken early in 1937. The principal contractor was the Piggott Construction Company of Hamilton, Ontario, and subcontractors were drawn from throughout Ottawa, southern Ontario and Quebec. Construction proceeded rapidly, without any undue delays or cost overruns and, by 10 August, the structure was sufficiently complete that Prime Minister King could join with Governor Towers in the ceremonial laying of the cornerstone. (Embedded in the cornerstone is a copper box containing mementoes from the project.) Staff began occupying the building in 1938.

Royal Bank of Canada ( RBC) Logo - Free Vector CDR

Royal Bank of Canada ( RBC) Logo
 Royal Bank of Canada (RBC; French: Banque Royale du Canada), is the largest bank in Canada. The bank serves over 16 million clients and has 78,000 employees worldwide.  The company corporate headquarters are located in TorontoOntario. The bank was founded in 1864 in HalifaxNova Scotia. RBC's Institution Number (or bank number) is 003.
In Canada, the bank's personal and commercial banking operations are branded as RBC Royal Bank in English and RBC Banque Royale in French and serves approximately ten million clients through its network of 1,209 branches. RBC Bank was the U.S. banking subsidiary with 439 branches across six states in the Southeast, which served more than a million customers. RBC also has 127 branches across seventeen countries in the Caribbean, which serve more than 1.6 million clients. RBC Capital Markets is RBC's worldwide investment and corporate banking subsidiary, while the investment brokerage firm is known as RBC Dominion Securities. Investment banking services are also provided through RBC Bank and the focus is on middle market clients.

RBC is listed as the largest Canadian company by revenue and market capitalization by The Globe and Mail and was ranked at 50 in the 2013 Forbes Global 2000 listing. The company has operations in Canada, and 40 other countries and has 673.2 USD Bn of assets under management according to the Scorpio Partnership Global Private Banking Benchmark 2014, this represented an increase of 5.6% on the 2013 figure.

Source : Wikipedia

Flag Of Canada - Free vector CDR

Flag Of Canada
The flag of Canada, often referred to as the Canadian flag, or unofficially as the Maple Leaf and l'Unifolié (French for "the one-leafed"), is a national flag consisting of a red field with a white square at its centre, in the middle of which is featured a stylized, red, 11-pointed maple leaf. It is the first ever specified by law for use as the country's national flag.
In 1964, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson formed a committee to resolve the issue, sparking a serious debate about a flag changeto replace the Union Flag. Out of three choices, the maple leaf design by George Stanley,  based on the flag of the Royal Military College of Canada, was selected. The flag made its first official appearance on February 15, 1965; the date is now celebrated annually as National Flag of Canada Day.
The Canadian Red Ensign had been unofficially used since the 1890s and was approved by a 1945 Order in Council for use "wherever place or occasion may make it desirable to fly a distinctive Canadian flag".  Also, the Royal Union Flag remains an official flag in Canada. There is no law dictating how the national flag is to be treated. There are, however, conventions and protocols to guide how it is to be displayed and its place in the order of precedence of flags, which gives it primacy over the aforementioned and most other flags.
Many different flags created for use by Canadian officials, government bodies, and military forces contain the maple leaf motif in some fashion, either by having the Canadian flag charged in the canton, or by including maple leaves in the design.
Source : Wikipedia

Arms of Canada Logo - Free Vector CDR

Arms of Canada Logo
The Arms of Canada (French: Armoiries du Canada), also known as the Royal Coat of Arms of Canada or formally as the Arms of Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada (French: Armoiries de Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada), is, since 1921, the official coat of arms of the Canadian monarch and thus also of Canada. It is closely modelled after the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom with French and distinctive Canadian elements replacing or added to those derived from the British version.
The maple leaves in the shield, blazoned "proper", were originally drawn vert (green) but were redrawn gules (red) in 1957 and a circlet of the Order of Canada was added to the arms for limited use in 1987. The shield design forms the monarch's royal standardand is also found on the Canadian Red Ensign. The Flag of the Governor General of Canada, which formerly used the shield over the Union Flag, now uses the crest of the arms on a blue field.
Source : Wikipedia, brandsoftheworld.com

Great Seal of the United States Vector - Free Vector CDR

Great Seal of the United States
The Great Seal of the United States is used to authenticate certain documents issued by the U.S. federal government. The phrase is used both for the physical seal itself (which is kept by the U.S. Secretary of State), and more generally for the design impressed upon it. The Great Seal was first used publicly in 1782.
The obverse of the great seal is used as the national coat of arms of the United States. It is officially used on documents such as United States passports, military insignia, embassy placards, and various flags. As a coat of arms, the design has official colors; the physical Great Seal itself, as affixed to paper, is monochrome.
Since 1935, both sides of the Great Seal have appeared on the reverse of the one-dollar bill. The Seal of the President of the United States is directly based on the Great Seal, and its elements are used in numerous government agency and state seals.
The design on the obverse (or front) of the seal is the coat of arms of the United States. The shield, though sometimes drawn incorrectly, has two main differences from the American flag. First, it has no stars on the blue chief (though other arms based on it do: the chief of the arms of the United States Senate may show 13 or 50, and the shield of the 9/11 Commission has, sometimes, 50 mullets on the chief). Second, unlike the American flag, the outermost stripes are white, not red; so as not to violate the heraldic rule of tincture.
The supporter of the shield is a bald eagle with its wings outstretched (or "displayed," in heraldic terms). From the eagle's perspective, it holds a bundle of 13 arrows in its left talon, (referring to the 13 original states), and an olive branch in its right talon, together symbolizing that the United States has "a strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war." (see Olive Branch Petition). Although not specified by law, the olive branch is usually depicted with 13 leaves and 13 olives, again representing the 13 original states. The eagle has its head turned towards the olive branch, on its right side, said to symbolize a preference for peace. In its beak, the eagle clutches a scroll with the motto E pluribus unum ("Out of Many, One"). Over its head there appears a "glory" with 13 mullets (stars) on a blue field. In the current (and several previous) dies of the great seal, the 13 stars above the eagle are arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star.
The 1782 resolution of Congress adopting the arms, still in force, legally blazoned the shield as "Paleways of 13 pieces, argent and gules; a chief,azure." As the designers recognized, this is a technically incorrect blazon under traditional English heraldic rules, since in English practice a vertically striped shield would be described as "paly", not "paleways", and it could not be striped of an uneven number. A more technically proper blazon would have been argent, six pallets gules... (six red stripes on a white field), but the phrase used was chosen to preserve the reference to the 13 original states.


The 1782 resolution adopting the seal blazons the image on the reverse as "A pyramid unfinished. In the zenith an eye in a triangle, surrounded by a glory, proper." The pyramid is conventionally shown as consisting of 13 layers to refer to the 13 original states. The adopting resolution provides that it is inscribed on its base with the date MDCCLXXVI (1776, the year of the United States Declaration of Independence) in Roman numerals. Where the top of the pyramid should be, the Eye of Providence watches over it. Two mottos appear: Annuit cœptis signifies that Providence has "approved of (our) undertakings." vus ordo seclorum, freely taken from Virgil, is Latin for "a new order of the ages." The reverse has never been cut (as a seal) but appears, for example, on the back of the one-dollar bill.
Source : Wikipedia

Flag of the United States - Free Vector CDR

Flag of the United States
The flag of the United States of America, often referred to as the American flag, is the national flag of the United States. It consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the "union") bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and became the first states in the Union. Nicknames for the flag include the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory,and the Star-Spangled Banner.
American Flag (washingtontimes.com)
The current design of the U.S. flag is its 27th; the design of the flag has been modified officially 26 times since 1777. The 48-star flag was in effect for 47 years until the 49-star version became official on July 4, 1959. The 50-star flag was ordered by President Eisenhower on August 21, 1959 and was adopted in July 1960. It is the longest-used version of the U.S. flag and has been in use for over 55 years.

Source : Wikipedia

President Of The United States Logo - Free Vector CDR

President Of The United States Logo
The President of the United States of America (POTUS)  is the elected head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces.
The President of the United States is considered one of the world's most powerful people, leading the world's only contemporary superpower. The role includes being the commander-in-chief of the world's most expensive military with the largest nuclear arsenal and leading the largest economy by real and nominal GDP. The office of the president holds significant hard and soft power both in the United States and abroad.
Article II of the U.S. Constitution vests the executive power of the United States in the president. The power includes execution of federal law, alongside the responsibility of appointing federal executive, diplomatic, regulatory and judicial officers, and concluding treaties with foreign powers with the advice and consent of the Senate. The president is further empowered to grant federal pardons and reprieves, and to convene and adjourn either or both houses of Congress under extraordinary circumstances.  The president is largely responsible for dictating the legislative agenda of the party to which the president is enrolled. The president also directs the foreign and domestic policy of the United States.  Since the founding of the United States, the power of the president and the federal government has grown substantially.
The president is indirectly elected by the people through the Electoral College to a four-year term, and is one of only two nationally elected federal officers, the other being the Vice President of the United States. The Twenty-second Amendment, adopted in 1951, prohibits anyone from ever being elected to the presidency for a third full term. It also prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than once if that person previously had served as president, or acting president, for more than two years of another person's term as president. In all, 43 individuals have served 44 presidencies (counting Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms separately) spanning 56 full four-year terms. On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th and current president. On November 6, 2012, he was re-elected and is currently serving the 57th term. The next presidential election is scheduled to take place on November 8, 2016; on January 20, 2017, the newly elected president will take office.
Source : Wikipedia, Logo : brandsoftheworld.com

United States (US) Postal service logo - Free Vector Cdr

United States (US) Postal service log0
The United States Postal Service, also known as the Post OfficeU.S. Mail, or Postal Service, often abbreviated as USPS, is anindependent agency of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution.
The U.S. Mail traces its roots to 1775 during the Second Continental Congress, where Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first postmaster general. The Post Office Department was created in 1792 from Franklin's operation, elevated to a cabinet-leveldepartment in 1872, and transformed in 1971 into the U.S. Postal Service as an independent agency under the Postal Reorganization Act.
The USPS as of February 2015 has 617,254 active employees and operated 211,264 vehicles in 2014. The USPS is the operator of the largest civilian vehicle fleet in the world. The USPS is legally obligated to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality. The USPS has exclusive access to letter boxes marked "U.S. Mail" and personal letterboxes in the United States, but still competes against private package delivery services, such as UPS and has part use with FedEx Express.
The USPS has not directly received taxpayer-dollars since the early 1980s with the exception of subsidies for costs associated with the disabled and overseas voters. Since the 2006 all-time peak mail volume, after which Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, (which mandated $5.5 billion per year to be paid into an account to fully prefund employee retirement health benefits, a requirement exceeding that of other government and private organizations), revenue dropped sharply due to recession-influenced declining mail volume, prompting the postal service to look to other sources of revenue while cutting costs to reduce its budget deficit. The USPS lost US$5.5 billion in fiscal 2014, and its revenue was US$67.8 billion.
Source : Wikipedia, logo : brandsoftheworld.com

US Bank Logo - Free Vector CDR

US Bank Logo
U.S. Bank was formed during the 1990s through the acquisitions of several major regional banks in the West and Midwest. Those banks, in turn, had grown from the mergers of numerous smaller banks throughout the years. Since 1988 U.S. Bank has acquired or merged with over 50 banks.
The U.S. Bank name first appeared as United States National Bank of Portland, established in Portland, Oregon in 1891; it changed its name to the United States National Bank of Oregon in 1964. In 1902, it merged with Ainsworth National Bank of Portland, but kept the U.S. National Bank name. The decision turned out to be advantageous for the bank, as a 1913 federal law prohibited other banks from using “United States” in their names from that time forward. U.S. National was among the first banks to form a bank holding company — called U.S. Bancorp, on September 9, 1968.
The central part of the franchise dates from 1864, with the formation of First National Bank of Minneapolis. In 1929, that bank merged with First National Bank of St. Paul (also formed in 1864) and several smaller Upper Midwest banks to form the First Bank Stock Corporation, which changed its name to First Bank System in 1968.
In the eastern part of the franchise, Farmers and Millers Bank in Milwaukee opened its doors in 1853, growing into the First National Bank of Milwaukee and eventually becoming First Wisconsin and ultimately Firstar. In Cincinnati, First National Bank of Cincinnati opened for business in 1863 under National Charter #24—the charter that U.S. Bancorp still operates under today, and one of the oldest active national bank charters in the nation. Despite having started up in the midst of the Civil War, First National Bank of Cincinnati would go on to survive many decades to grow into Star Bank.
US Bank in Hudson, Ohio
These banks thrived as independent entities. As opportunities arose, each participated in in-market mergers and acquisitions during the early decades of the 20th century and in more widespread expansions during the 1980s and 1990s — including the 1993 transaction that brought Colorado National Bank in Denver into the First Bank System, and West One Bancorp of Boise, Idaho, coming into the original U.S. Bancorp in 1995.
Source : Wikipedia, logo : brandsoftheworld.com

Bank of America Logo - Free vector CDR

Bank of America (abbreviated as BoA or BofA) is an American multinational banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is the second largest bank holding company in the United States by assets. As of 2013, Bank of America is the twenty-first largest company in the United States by total revenue. In 2010, Forbes listed Bank of America as the third biggest company in the world.
Bank of America provides its products and services through operating 5,100 banking centers, 16,300 ATMs, call centers, and online and mobile banking platforms. Its Consumer Real Estate Services segment offers consumer real estate products comprising fixed and adjustable-rate first-lien mortgage loans for home purchase and refinancing needs, home equity lines of credit, and home equity loans.[7]
The bank's 2008 acquisition of Merrill Lynch made Bank of America the world's largest wealth management corporation and a major player in the investment banking market. According to the Scorpio Partnership Global Private Banking Benchmark 2014 it had assets under management (AuM) of USD 1,866.6 Bn an increase of 12.5% on 2013.
The company held 12.2% of all bank deposits in the United States in August 2009, and is one of the Big Four banks in the United States, along with Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo—its main competitors. Bank of America operates—but does not necessarily maintain retail branches[13]—in all 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia and more than 40 other countries. It has a retail banking footprint that serves approximately 50 million consumer and small business relationships at 5,151 banking centers and 16,259 automated teller machines (ATMs).
Bank of America ( businessinsider.com)
Bank of America has been the subject of several lawsuits and investigations regarding both mortgages and financial disclosures dating back to the financial crisis, including a record settlement of $16.65 billion on August 21, 2014.
Source : Wikipedia, logo : brandsoftheworld.com

Coat of Arms Argentina - Free Vector CDR

Coat of Arms Argentina
The coat of arms of the Argentine Republic (SpanishEscudo de la República Argentina) was established in its current form in 1944, but has its origins in the seal of the General Constituent Assembly of 1813. It is supposed that it was chosen quickly because of the existence of a decree signed on February 22 sealed with the symbol. The first mention of it in a public document dates to March 12 of that same year, in which it is stated that the seal had to be used by the executive power, that is, the second triumvirate. On April 13 the National Assembly coined the new silver and gold coins, each with the seal of the assembly on the reverse, and on April 27 the coat of arms became a national emblem. Although the coat of arms is not currently shown on flags, the Buenos Aires-born military leader Manuel Belgrano ordered to paint it over the flag he gave to the city of San Salvador de Jujuy, and during theArgentine War of Independence most flags had the coat of arms.
It is unknown who designed the coat of arms. It is often mentioned that there were three men involved: Alvear, Monteagudo, and Vieytes, but it is known that a few years before, President Bernardino Rivadavia asked the Peruvian Antonio Isidoro Castro to create an Argentine coat of arms; however, the two schemes have never been found.
The coat of arms is a figure, in which at the top we find the gold-yellowed Sun of May, also found on the flag of Argentina. The rising sun symbolizes the rising of Argentina, as described in the first version of the Argentine National Anthem, se levanta a la faz de la tierra una nueva y gloriosa nación, meaning "a new and glorious nation rises to the surface of the Earth". It must be noticed how the verb "rise", and so in Spanish, can be used to describe the motion of the Sun.
In the center ellipse there are two shaking hands, connoting the unity of the provinces of Argentina. The hands come together to hold a pike, which represents power and willingness to defend freedom, epitomized by the Phrygian cap on the top of the spear.
The blue and white colors are symbols of the Argentine people and the same colors of the Argentine flag. Those derive from those utilised in the cockade promoting liberation from Spain, in the May Revolution in 1810, which in turn came about from the colours of the Borbonic dynasty.

The hands are flesh coloured and stand for friendship, peace, unity, and brotherhood. The pike is brown (wooden), and the Phrygian cap is red, like the traditional French liberty cap. The proximity of the hands and the Phrygian cap, in addition to their individual meanings, represent the national motto of Argentina, en unión y libertad ("in unity and freedom"), and illustrate the idea that in unity (the hands) there is power (the pike), and in power there is freedom (the Phrygian cap).
The Phrygian cap was typically worn by the inhabitants of Phrygia, in the Anatolian peninsula, and is commonly mistaken for being a Pileus. The Pileus was a hat that in ancient Rome became a symbol of freed slaves, who were touched by their owners with a wooden pike before setting them free.
Laurel is another classical symbol. At the end of the ancient Olympic Games (and also the 2004 Summer Olympics), the winner was given a laurel crown, and since then it has symbolized triumph and glory.
Source : Wikipedia , logo : http://vectorise.net/

Air France Logo - Free Vector CDR

Air France Logo
Air France (French pronunciation: ​[ɛːʁ fʁɑ̃s]; formally Société Air France, S.A.), stylized as AIRFRANCE, is the French flag carrierheadquartered in Tremblay-en-France, (north of Paris). It is a subsidiary of the Air France-KLM Group and a founding member of the SkyTeam global airline alliance. As of 2013 Air France serves 36 destinations in France and operates worldwide scheduled passenger and cargo services to 168 destinations in 93 countries (including overseas departments and territories of France) and also carried 59,513,000 passengers in 2011. The airline's global hub is at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, with Paris Orly Airport, Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport, Marseille Provence Airport, Toulouse Blagnac Airport, and Nice Côte d'Azur Airport serving as secondary hubs. Air France's corporate headquarters, previously in Montparnasse, Paris, are located on the grounds of Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, north of Paris.
Air France was formed on 7 October 1933 from a merger of Air Orient, Air Union, Compagnie Générale Aéropostale,Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne (CIDNA), and Société Générale de Transport Aérien (SGTA). During the Cold War, from 1950 until 1990, it was one of the three main Allied scheduled airlines operating in Germany at West Berlin'sTempelhof and Tegel airports. In 1990, it acquired the operations of French domestic carrier Air Inter and international rival UTA – Union de Transports Aériens. It served as France's primary national flag carrier for seven decades prior to its 2003 merger with KLM.
Between April 2001 and March 2002, the airline carried 43.3 million passengers and had a total revenue of €12.53bn. In November 2004, Air France ranked as the largest European airline with 25.5% total market share, and was the largest airline in the world in terms of operating revenue.
Air France operates a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing widebody jets on long-haul routes, and uses Airbus A320 familyaircraft on short-haul routes. Air France introduced the A380 on 20 November 2009 with service to New York's JFK Airport from Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport. The carrier's regional airline subsidiary, HOP!, operates the majority of its regional domestic and European scheduled services with a fleet of regional jet aircraft. 
Suorce : Wikipedia, logo : http://vectorise.net/

American Airlines Logo - Free Vector CDR

American Airlines, Inc. (AA) adalah maskapai penerbangan besar asal Amerika Serikat yang berkantor pusat di Fort Worth, Texas. American Airlines merupakan maskapai penerbangan terbesar di dunia jika dilihat dari jumlah armada dan pendapatannya, dan merupakan maskapai penerbangan terbesar kedua di dunia jika dilihat dari jumlah destinasinya, setelah United Airlines. Operasi American Airlines berpusat di Dallas/Fort Worth, dan memiliki cabang di Charlotte, Chicago-O'Hare, Los Angeles, Miami, New York-JFK, New York-LaGuardia, Philadelphia, Phoenix, dan Washington, D.C., sementara hangar perawatannya berada di Bandar Udara Internasional Tulsa.
American Airlines ikut mendirikan aliansi Oneworld, bersama British Airways, Iberia, Finnair, dan Japan Airlines. Penerbangan regional American Airlines dilayani oleh sebuah anak usaha yang bernama American Eagle.
Airbus A300-600
Source : Wikipedia, Logo : vectorise.ne

British Airways Logo - Free vector CDR

British Airways Logo
British Airways, often shortened to BA, is the flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom and the largest airline in the United Kingdom based on fleet size. When measured by passengers carried, it is second-largest in United Kingdom (behindeasyJet). The airline is based in Waterside near its main hub at London Heathrow Airport.
A British Airways Board was established by the United Kingdom government in 1972 to manage the two nationalised airline corporations, British Overseas Airways Corporation and British European Airways, and two smaller, regional airlines,Cambrian Airways, from Cardiff, and Northeast Airlines, from Newcastle upon Tyne. On 31 March 1974, all four companies were merged to form British Airways. After almost 13 years as a state company, British Airways was privatised in February 1987 as part of a wider privatisation plan by the Conservative government. The carrier soon expanded with the acquisition of British Caledonian in 1987, followed by Dan-Air in 1992 and British Midland International in 2012.

British Airways is a founding member of the Oneworld airline alliance, along with American Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Qantas, and the now defunct Canadian Airlines. The alliance has since grown to become the third-largest, after SkyTeam and Star Alliance. British Airways merged with Iberia on 21 January 2011, formally creating the International Airlines Group (IAG), the world's third-largest airline group in terms of annual revenue and the second-largest in Europe. IAG is listed on the London Stock Exchange and in the FTSE 100 Index.
A long-time Boeing customer, British Airways ordered 59 Airbus A320 family aircraft in August 1998. In 2007 it purchased 12 Airbus A380s and 24 Boeing 787 Dreamliners, marking the start of its long-haul fleet replacement. The centerpiece of the airline's long-haul fleet is the Boeing 777, with 58 in the fleet. British Airways is the largest operator of the Boeing 747-400 in the world, with 52 registered to the airline.
Source : Wikipedia, logo : http://vectorise.net/

Motif Lama Loreng Seragam TNI AD - Pakaian dinas lapangan (PDL)

Motif Lama Loreng Seragam TNI AD 
Berikut adalah Motif lama Seragam TNI Angkatan Darat ( AD ) adapun motif ini hingga saat ini masih tetap digunakan oleh Anggota TNI Angkatan Darat . untuk motif baru dari corak loreng seragam TNI AD bisa dilihat di  Motif Loreng Baru seragam TNI AD. 

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Cathay Pacific Logo - Free Vector CDR

Cathay Pacific Logo
Cathay Pacific (Chinese: 國泰航空) (SEHK: 0293) is the flag carrier of Hong Kong, with its head office and main hub located at Hong Kong International Airport. The airline's operations include scheduled passenger and cargo services to 200 destinations in 52 countries worldwide, codeshares, and joint ventures, with a fleet of wide-body aircraft, consisting of Airbus A330, Airbus A340, Boeing 747 (which are beginning to be retired) and Boeing 777 equipment. Its wholly owned subsidiary,Dragonair, operates to 44 destinations in the Asia-Pacific region from its Hong Kong base. In 2010, Cathay Pacific and Dragonair carried nearly 27 million passengers and over 1.8 million tonnes of cargo and mail.
The airline was founded on 24 September 1946 by Australian Sydney H. de Kantzow and American Roy C. Farrell, with each man putting up HK$1 to register the airline. The airline made the world's first non-stop transpolar flight flying over the North Pole in July 1998, which was also the maiden flight to arrive at the then new Hong Kong International Airport. The airline celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2006; and as of October 2009, its major shareholders are Swire Pacific and Air China. It is reciprocally one of the major shareholders of Air China. Cathay Pacific currently holds the title of the world's third largest airline, measured in terms of market capitalisation, according to the International Air Transport Association. In 2010, Cathay Pacific became the world's largest international cargo airline, along with main hub Hong Kong International Airport as the world's busiest airport in terms of cargo traffic.
Cathay Pacific is a founding member of the Oneworld alliance, with its subsidiary, Dragonair, as an affiliate member.
Cathay Pacific was awarded Skytrax's 2014 Airline of the Year. Cathay Pacific has won the "World's Best Airline" award four times, more than any other airline.

Source : Wikipedia, Vector logo : http://vectorise.net/

Egyptair Logo - Free vector CDR

EgyptAir (Arabic: مصر للطيران, Miṣr liṭ-Ṭayarān) is the flag carrier airline of Egypt.  The airline is based at Cairo International Airport, its main hub, operating scheduled passenger and freight services to more than 75 destinations in the Middle East,EuropeAfricaAsia, and the Americas. With an extensive network of domestic services focused on Cairo, Egypt's capital, the airline is working to regain profitable operations following the revolution of 2011.
Egyptair is a member of Star Alliance, having joined on 11 July 2008. The airline's logo is Horus, the sky deity in ancient Egyptian mythology, chosen because of its ancient symbolism as a "winged god of the sun", and usually depicted as a falcon or a man with the head of a falcon.
Source : Wikipedia, Vector logo : http://vectorise.net/
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